Personal development 2

Episode 70 – In Search of the American Dream!

Reynaldo Santana has packed a lot of experience into his relatively short life as a first generation American. Not everything has gone his way, in fact a lot hasn’t, but it hasn’t stopped him from pursuing his goals.

Maybe not as academically gifted as some, but with a lot of determination and responsibility to look after his family on his shoulders, he has not been deterred in his goal for success.

Join us as we get a behind the scenes look into a first generation American’s quest for the “American Dream”!

0:38 What does Reynaldo Santana do
16:44 Background on Reynaldo’s journey so far
24:05 His first job
27:28 Getting into startups
31:22 Key lessons learned
32:56 Experience with racism
38:06 Happiness is far more important than money
41:54 Biggest mistake that he has made so far
47:05 Why don’t most people succeed?
51:30 What makes Rey feel that he achieve when others can’t?
57:14 What are the keys for people to succeed?

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