Personal development 2

Inspiration for the Day!

Lao Tzu

Leadership comes in many forms.
To some degree, we’re all leaders.

We have people around us. We influence them.
Whether we know it or not; like it or not.

Good leadership is different from one to the next.
Yet it never relies on the leader being right.

I struggle with this. Not being right. Letting go of it.

Saying sorry. Admitting I’m wrong.
I think most people struggle with it in some way.

It’s ego. It preys on your insecurity.
It tricks you into thinking you’re giving up control.

Yet that isn’t the case, is it?
Often, you gain more of it when you show yourself to be human.

Learning is good.
We are all learning.
We are all wrong, some of the time.

Good leaders not only know this but live it each day.

This post was kindly provided by Matthew Turner, who can be reached at:

[email protected]


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