Personal development 2

Episode 65 – From Powerlifting to Podcast Success!

Jeremy Ryan Slate podcast host is the founder of the Create Your Own Life Podcast, which studies the highest performers in the world; including the former CIA Director, Super Bowl Champions and even a three-time Indianapolis 500 winner. | Episode 65 – From Powerlifting to Podcast Success!

At Insights into Success, we hope that by speaking to those that have either met with success or are part way through their journey, we can help answer the questions above and more. We hope that by listening and learning from others, you can speed up your own journey to success!

Episode 65 – From Powerlifting to Podcast Success!

Jeremy Ryan Slate podcast host is the founder of the Create Your Own Life Podcast, which studies the highest performers in the world; including the former CIA Director, Super Bowl Champions and even a three-time Indianapolis 500 winner.

He studied literature at Oxford University and is a former champion powerlifter turned new media entrepreneur. He specializes in using podcasting and new media to create trust and opinion leader status. In iTunes, he was ranked #1 in the business category and ranked
#78 in the Top 100.

Jeremy was the top podcast to listen to by INC Magazine in 2019 and Millennial Influencer to follow in 2018 by Buzzfeed. He’s also a contributing editor of New Theory Magazine and Grit Daily.

After his success in podcasting, Jeremy and his wife, Brielle, founded Command Your Brand to help visionary founders use the power of podcasts to change the world.

Watch the video for the full interview or listen to the interview in two parts.

0:47 Who is Jeremy Slate and growing up in New Jersey
8:05 What did he want to do when he grew up?
8:37 Getting into powerlifting.
11:35 The importance of exercise on the rest of your life.
17:59 Planning on being a university lecturer.
21:02 Near Death experience.
24:42 Network marketing.

Part 2

26:48 Podcasting
36:36 How has business come from podcasting?
41:36 Keys to being successful in podcasting.
42:24 Keys to success so far.
46:24 What defines success for Ryan.
53:44 How does an introvert end up a podcast host and public speaker?
59:08 Can anyone be successful?


You can contact Jeremy Slate at: