Personal development 2

Episode 84 – A Serial Entrepreneur’s Reading List!


To say Frazer Fearnhead’s entrepreneurial career has had its ups and downs, would be an understatement. He has reached great highs but also suffered badly in light of events such as 911 and more recently the Covid outbreak.

His perseverance and determination have been tested to their limits, but he has managed to come through it all, much richer for the experience.

As an avid reader, Frazer shares with us a sample of the books that have inspired him!

0:37 Introduction
1:02 The Midas Method
3:03 The Fountain Head
4:01 The Dragons Den experience
9:56 Slowing Down to the speed of Life
11:31 The Compound Effect
12:37 The Magic of Thinking Big
13:58 Raving Fans
14:23 The One Minute Manager
15:31 How to be a Buddhist Millionaire
15:57 Psycho – Cybermetrics
19:22 Reading habits and motivation

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